Ghazals Of Ghalib

The Almighty Of Rekhta

Mirza Asadullah Khan (Ghalib)-27-12-1797(Agra) To 15-02-1869 (Delhi)


Indian Classical Music


Today in the garden the arrangement is of some other style entirely,
The turtle dove's neck-ring has become a circle outside the door.
(Today not even he,who is born of the garden and for whom the garden exists,is allowed to set foot inside the garden.)
(If we look at it with the death of the Sultanate in mind,then this verse is a picture of the destruction and helplessness of the Mughal Dynasty,and a sketch of the grip of the East India Company,and GHALIB's foreseeing of the essence of events.)
(Perhaps GHALIB meant the idiom to be obscure.)

Today with every sigh a fragment of the heart emerges,
Today the thread of the breath has become a noose for the prey of effect.
(He describes his own ill-fortune.)
(Today effectiveness has been engendered in my sigh,and its effectiveness is working on my heart itself.Thus I have begun to hope for success from my sighs.)
(His wretchedness is made manifest,and he is brought closed to the death that will end his sorrows.)

Oh satisfaction(Well-being),oh arrangement,take your leave,
Today because of the flood of tears,the doors and walls are in poor shape.
(The turbulence of disaster or the turbulence of illness,is about to bring life to an end.Now help is useless.)
(He is impatiently dismissing the satisfaction and arrangements,since he himself is sick of them and is eager to enjoy the flood of tears.)
